Entrepreneurship & Creativity
Naakai is a professional writer with a background in digital marketing and copywriting, who initially started as a food writer several...
"Maritta Viola definitely helped me grow as a person, as a writer, as a believer and she is probably the strongest person I know."
Sarah Weyers,
PR Specialist
"As I got to know Maritta Viola and as I talked to her, (my creative) feelings started to come back. Seeing her motivation, her passion, her fire for what she wanted to do, I remembered again why I loved what I am doing, why I want to do that and why I am pursuing what I am, and I owe her a lot."
Michon Christensen,
Designer & MUA
"Maritta Viola helped open so many doors for me. (...) When I met Maritta I was so inspired because I could see how driven and passionate she was about everything that she does."
Anna Claire Wooten,
Trainee @MVN, 2016